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Friday, June 15, 2012

Chapter 5 When You Just Want To Give Up

Chapter 5 Hope For the Weary Mom When You Just Want To Give Up  

"It's sweaty work- manual labor of the most intense kind because it requires more that just body. Mothering demands body,soul,mind and heart. And when the work doesn't pay off...when the pulling and tugging and coaxing and dragging and pushing and begging and praying don't seem to change anything we can be left empty, exhausted, worn down, wanting to just give up. Weary."

I have also felt that way, many, many times. It is like no matter what I did it wasn't good enough. I thought I was doing what I was supposed to do. Being home with my children, homeschooling etc. But every time I was doing a lesson with my daughter I kept getting interrupted and every time I tried to fold the laundry, I was interrupted, every time I tried to clean, cook, you know, the things housewives are SUPPOSED to be doing I was interrupted. And it wasn't always my kids doing the interrupting. I just couldn't take much more and I had a slight breakdown. For a weekend I gave up. Have you ever felt like that? Describe a time when you just wanted to give up.

All of you weary mom's!! Let's band together an make this commitment. 

I believe God's plans for me are good. Therefore I commit today that I will never give up on my family and I will never give up on god's ability to move in their hearts. With His help, I will take the next step of faith even when I feel I can't because He is the God of miracles."


  1. Yes, I have felt that way so many times. I get especially frustrated with the housekeeping part. I can't seem to keep up when most of every day is taken up with homeschooling, therapy, specialist appointments, and working my part-time jobs from home. There are many times I want to give up. Like you, sometimes I do for a short time. But then I pray, get refocused, and start doing the best I can again.

  2. Yes! housekeeping is frusterating for me too. Dishes and laundry will never go away but I would like the carpet and toys to not look like a warzone. Whoever picked the carpet color in this house must not have children. Dark is good to hide stains but it shows every crumb, piece of lint etc. It drives me crazy. Seriously, I use the Shark sweeper vac at least 5 times a day.
