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Friday, December 7, 2012

Giveaway Winner!

The winner of the Simplified Dinners Giveaway is Inge Gunawan!! Congratulations!!! I hope this e book will be a blessing to you as it has been for me!! Mmmm! Now I'm hungry!!!

If you didn't win, don't fret you can get a copy here: https://www.e-junkie.com/ecom/gb.php?ii=1056419&c=ib&aff=231860"><img src="http://www.simplifiedpantry.com/images/sp_sidebar_square.gif" alt="Simplified Dinners eBook" /></a>

You won't be disappointed!!!

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Simplified Dinners Review and Giveaway

a Rafflecopter giveaway For awhile now I have been having this daily dilemma "what to make for dinner!!" Cooking has never been a favorite of mine. I don't enjoy it much at all but my family needs to eat so I do it because I have to. You don't know how many times I think of something that sounds so good that I actually get excited to make it. Then come to find out I'm missing an ingredient or two (or three). Dinnertime is kind of cutting close to run to the store with the kids in tow. So then I grumble and try to think of something else to make.

I recently had the opportunity to try "Simplified Dinners" by Mystie Winckler. This cookbook is wonderful for the uncreative cook like myslef. After purchasing some items on her "master pantry list" I began experimenting with the vast choice of recipies this book has to offer. This one is "Potato Hash" I did tweek it a little to fit my famlies taste but the idea is there. It was a hit with the family.
This is the "Brunswick Stew" and I have to say this was delish!! Mmm,mmm!! Especially because the day I chose to make it was gray and stormy. Who wouldn't want a nice hot meal like this one?

For those on a GFDF diet there is a version pf the book for that as well. Basically the same recipes but no dairy and gluten.

I look forward to trying out more of these recipies in the future. And guess what!!! You can have one too because I am giving one away as my gift to you. Please enter below:

<a id="rc-20e8496" class="rafl" href="http://www.rafflecopter.com/rafl/display/20e8496/" rel="nofollow">a Rafflecopter giveaway</a>
<script src="//d12vno17mo87cx.cloudfront.net/embed/rafl/cptr.js"></script>

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Outcry from my heart

Lately my anxiety level has skyrocketed. It suddenly appeared about 10 years ago after I became a SAHM. I quit my job to stay home with my son which is supposed to be good thing, right? It was usually triggered by finances. I no longer had control of knowing what we were bringing in each month. As long as I was able to get necessities I was fine. But the "not knowing if" part is what did me in every time.

Fast forward 4 years- I had my second child. And at the same time we found out our son may have a learning disability or a behavioral problem etc. etc. No parent that I know ever wants to hear that there is something wrong with their child. Here I was with a newborn and child that all of a sudden begins acting out. Where did that come from?

Now that he's 11 and my daughter is 6 I start to wonder about the future. What will become of him? Will he be ok? Will it get worse? What will happen to him after we are no longer here? Just thinking of puberty gives me a belly ache. Then the fear of "not knowing" creeps back in. Anxiety envelopes me and sometimes it is quite debilitating. I sometimes don't leave the house for days. I feel guilty because my daughter deserves something better than this so does my son.

One thing good that has come of all this is that having my son has brought me closer to God. I pray (alot) and read scripture more than I did before I had my children. I would like to share some verses that have helped me tremendously over the years. 

 Philippians Chapter 4 verses 6-7 "Have no anxiety about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be known to God. And the peace of God, which passes all understanding will keep your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus"

1 Peter Chapter 5 verse 7 " Cast all your anxieties on him, for he cares about you"

But when you are in your funk it's hard to remember them. You have to snap yourself out of it. There is hope even though you may not feel like there is at the time. Most important is to love them regardless, have their hearts and teach them the word of God.

Friday, October 26, 2012

Hope For the Weary Mom Revised Edition Review and Giveaway

Well, They've done it again!!! Stacey Thacker and Brooke McGlothlin have a new revised version of Hope For the Weary Mom out this month. All I can say is "WOW" I cannot express enough on how this book has helped me. It has trully been a blessing. Sometimes we don't realize when we are in "our mess" we aren't alone. So many other mom's feel the exact same way. We get so absorbed in our own funk we think we are the only one's that feel "we don't measure up".

What is different? The revised edition has additions to the previous chapters and and instead of 7 there are now 10 with the forward by author Tricia Goyer.

If you missed out on the launch day tuesday and didn't get your copy don't fret. I'm giving one away. Please enter here:

<a id="rc-20e8491" class="rafl" href="http://www.rafflecopter.com/rafl/display/20e8491/" rel="nofollow">a Rafflecopter giveaway</a>
<script src="//d12vno17mo87cx.cloudfront.net/embed/rafl/cptr.js"></script>

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Our homeschool day

So.... now that most of you have started the new school year, how are you doing? We are still finishing up our MFW K curriculum. Almost done, about 2 or 3 weeks left. A while back it was like 6 weeks and it felt like we'd never get done. As I mentioned before we had some "life" happen so it's taking some time. But that's the beauty of homeschooling, right? So I bet your curious about what our schedule looks like. We are night owls so when some of you are starting your homeschool day we are just getting up. But that's what works for us at this point in time and we don't really have a choice right now because of hubbys work schedule. Most of you know what it's like to try to do school when your "other half" is home. It doesn't usually turn out too well, does it? So here it goes:

 9:00 wake up make coffee for me and breakfast for the kids
9:30-10:00 kids eat breakfast then they watch a program or two on TV
10:30 make coffee for hubby (and me again) then go wake him up
11:00 make hubbys breakfast
11:30 I like to at least start school with my daughter
12:00-1:00 make lunch and start school with my son.
2:00 hubby leaves for work and we continue doing some more lessons
2:30 if we have errands to do, this is the time we would leave to do them. If we don't we try to get finished with school for the day.
4:00 usually back home (if we had errands that day) and we try to finish school if we haven't already.
5:00 depending on the day we usually are finished and kids can have free time to do what they want (within reason)
5:45 I usually start dinner
6:30 Dinner
7:00-8:00 baths/showers (yes, it takes that long because we have one bathroom)
8:00-8:30 kids watch a TV show (usually Nick Jr or Sprout)
8:30 daughter goes to bed
9:30 son goes to bed
Then I either have "me" time or watch a movie with hubby
11:30 I usually fall asleep

This is on a "good" day. As you know there is no such thing as a perfect day or a perfect schedule. What is your day like?

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Schooling year round

School is about to start for some of you or already has. We decided to try "year round" school. Usually we take the summer off but "life" happened, so I decided "on a whim" to continue to do school at least three days a week. I have to say it worked out great. My daughter asks to do her schoolwork now. My son is liking his one on one time with me again. I was really impressed with the outcome.

Will I do it again? I will know more once we finish with our curriculum. I think there is about 4 weeks left with my daughters K curriculum. With my son, I unschool for the most part because he learns better that way where my daughter does well with a little more structure so I went ahead and actually purchased a full curriculum. We are using My Fathers World. My son joins in with that as well but mainly learns with his interests. Another trip to the library may be in order. How do you homeschool?

Monday, August 13, 2012

Patience notebook/copywork review from Knowledge Box Central

Hello all,

I recently had the opportunity to review a product from Knowledge Box Central. I had choice of one of three notebooking/lapbooking/copywork products to try. I picked Patience because, well all of us here need a bit of help in that category. I thought it would be great to do this with my children with me learning along the way. It downloaded instantly and was saved to my PC. After printing the pages out I chose to use a hole punch so we could put it in a binder after we were done. The book goes into a description of what copywork is and how to use it in your child's education. There were also directions on how to implement it. There are 14 quotes from the bible and historical figures. You choose how often you would like to use it such as twice a week, three times a week, everyday and so on. Each quote has lines underneath it for the copywork. Then a "Vocabulary Extention" at the bottom with either words to define or a discussion question etc.

What I thought....

I was impressed on how fast I was able to download the notebook. I didn't have to wait at all. As soon as I clicked checkout and went through the few steps needed it was there, available right from the website. I didn't have to wait for it to be e mailed to me or anything. The content was great. I liked the quotes that were chosen and I was really able to go into depth where needed. But I think I would choose to space it out a bit instead of doing it three days in a row.

What my children thought....

My 11 year old son likes one on one time with me so that wasn't a problem. He is a reluctant writer so it was a bit challenging at first to get him motivated. But he did it eventually and it was a great learning experience for both of us.

For my 6 year old daughter, this was a bit advanced for her on the copywork aspect but the discussion part was great because she loves to talk so, no problem there.

Would I recommend it?

I would say "YES" I really enjoy learning along with my children and this let me do just that. You can use it in many ways, there is no one way to do it and we love that.       

You can find it at www.knowledgeboxcentral.com 
And you can fine me here and on Facebook.                                        

Friday, August 3, 2012

Hello all!! Today I am over at The Purposeful Mom talking about the joys of homeschooling. Come on by http://www.thepurposefulmom.com/2012/08/the-joys-of-homeschooling.html

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Pity Party!!

Yes, it's been a few weeks. I know, I know. After the 7 Days of Hope I took my kids to VBS. (vacation bible school). We have never been before. They had so much fun. My daughter loved her class and all the things they did. I had to sit in with my son's class though. He can't handle being around alot of people by himself yet. I was hoping to be able to go into the adult class or the singing class but that did not happen. We still had fun though. The teacher was very accepting of him and always asked if and when he wanted to participate etc. I really appreciated that. But after a couple of days I noticed the looks from some of the other kids in the class. You know, the looks that you hope won't come but always creep there way in. Honestly we purposely avoided activities like this for reasons such as this and the whispers and comments. But as far as I knew it was just the looks this time. I enrolled him in a younger class than his age/grade because maturity wise he was not ready for it. I think if I put him in the class with his age they would have mowed right over him and ate him alive. I was actually quite shocked at what was actually expected in the class I did put him in. I don't remember it being that way when I used to go. I'm really glad I stayed with him. He still needs one on one. For a day I felt sad about what was. I actually didn't want to go one night but my kids did and so I left the pity party and it actually turned out well. Then when the week was done he got sick and I did too. My daughter didn't get it too bad. Then I was like "I try and do something good and then look what happened" We don't get sick often. We went through the whole winter without catching the flu or much of anything. Then we go to VBS and get sick. Pity party!!! After all said and done I'm glad we went. Even though my son is still coughing 3 weeks later. Oh, the things we do for our children.

Monday, June 18, 2012

Final Day of 7 Days of Hope

I really hope you have been encouraged here. I really enjoyed this week we spent together. Please continue to read and comment. It's okay if you weren't able to during this past week. I will keep the posts up for the time being. Final question from Hope From The Weary Mom. Have you experienced hard times in the past? Share some of the things you've been through.

I think most of you have had things that happened in your life. Some good, some bad. We don't know why these things happen. But somehow we do get through them. And for me without God it could not be possible.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Chapter 6 Sometimes It Takes An Altar

Chapter 6 Sometimes It Takes An Altar

No one ever said it was going to be easy. Mothering is exhausting but also rewarding. Seeing the fruits of your labor makes any mother's heart sing. What always got me was when I would hear the baby's heartbeat for the first time. That was when thoughts like "this is really happening" or "this is for real" came flooding into my mind. Then excitement and planning etc. etc. "OVERDRIVE" I'm sure it happened to most of you too. I have always known God but I never have been a very spiritual person. To me, my relationship with God was a private thing. I didn't really want to talk about it. That was difficult for me. It was until I had my son that I grew closer to Him. That was what my son's "issues" have done. When I was at my wits end trying to help my child I went to Him. My altar is my bedroom. Sometimes I didn't want to face it anymore but I didn't walk away completely. I just needed a break and to refocus and then I was okay for awhile until the next time. No matter how weary I felt I could never leave my children. Have you ever just wanted to walk away?

"Altar's don't necessarily have to be in front of the church they can be kitchen tables or behind bathroom doors. Do you need to spend some time today bowed low with the Grace Giver?Do you need to lay down the weariness you have been wearing? He wants to meet you. He wants to whisper into your heart. He loves you and will never let you go. I promise your weary heart will sing once more with hope."

And beleive it is true.

Friday, June 15, 2012

Chapter 5 When You Just Want To Give Up

Chapter 5 Hope For the Weary Mom When You Just Want To Give Up  

"It's sweaty work- manual labor of the most intense kind because it requires more that just body. Mothering demands body,soul,mind and heart. And when the work doesn't pay off...when the pulling and tugging and coaxing and dragging and pushing and begging and praying don't seem to change anything we can be left empty, exhausted, worn down, wanting to just give up. Weary."

I have also felt that way, many, many times. It is like no matter what I did it wasn't good enough. I thought I was doing what I was supposed to do. Being home with my children, homeschooling etc. But every time I was doing a lesson with my daughter I kept getting interrupted and every time I tried to fold the laundry, I was interrupted, every time I tried to clean, cook, you know, the things housewives are SUPPOSED to be doing I was interrupted. And it wasn't always my kids doing the interrupting. I just couldn't take much more and I had a slight breakdown. For a weekend I gave up. Have you ever felt like that? Describe a time when you just wanted to give up.

All of you weary mom's!! Let's band together an make this commitment. 

I believe God's plans for me are good. Therefore I commit today that I will never give up on my family and I will never give up on god's ability to move in their hearts. With His help, I will take the next step of faith even when I feel I can't because He is the God of miracles."

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Chapter 4 Why You Can't Live At The Spa

Hope For The Weary Mom Why You Can't Live At the Spa.

I can count on one hand how many times I have ever gotten a massage. I have never gotten my nails done nor have I ever gotten a pedicure. I do get my hair done on occasion. Mostly just haircuts and I color it at home. Before I was married and had children I got my hair done at the salon. I really miss that sometimes because I was by myself and could relax. Now there is not many days like that. I try to take warm baths to relax but the tub at this house is too shallow. I do have a massage seat that I can put on a chair and I use that sometimes but that usually sparks interest in someone else then they want to do it too, staring at me the with bated breath the whole time. So I usually try to do things like that after everyone is in bed. There are times though that it can't wait until 10 pm. I get overwhelmed and feel like I am ready to burst. Since I am trying not to yell so much I just have to leave the room and go into my bedroom and lock the door. I don't love it but sometimes just those 5 to 10 minutes alone makes me feel a lot better. Other times it's not enough but I have to make sure my kids aren't setting the house on fire so I suck it up and come out. Usually when I go into my room like that they know I am not happy so they are usually good. So what about you? What things do you love to do to relieve stress?

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Chapter 3 Beer and Cigarettes?

Hope For the Weary Mom Chapter 3 Beer and Cigarettes?

I have to admit I was a bit taken a back when I read the title of this chapter. I totally understand what they meant now. I really can relate. My kids are 4 years apart but my son had me all to himself all that time until I had my daughter. So you can just imagine the wonderful adventure that was about to begin. The nursing story is almost what I went through every day for months. Each time I tried to nurse her my son would bounce on the bed so her head would bob up and down and of course she stopped nursing. So then he would stop bouncing then I would try to nurse again and so on. You get the picture. That wasn't the only thing he did either. Sometimes it would be tossing the cat litter around while I nursed, peeing on the floor right in front of me when I nursed. Yes, so loving he was. "SIGH" He just wasn't too happy that some other "little  person" was taking his place. And guess what? It hasn't ended. Not in the least bit.

Have you gotten to the place of a total breakdown? What did that look like for you?

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Chapter 2 When You Don't Measure Up

Question #2  How often do you catch yourself comparing your home, job, income or parenting to someone else? 

Let's see... I am a SAHM so the job one is out. Home, well sometimes but so far I'm good with that one. Parenting... only when someone criticizes me for something they know nothing about. So the one I am guilty of comparing myself to the most is income. Because I am a SAHM we have one income. I mostly find myself comparing us to other family members. I get upset when they can afford to go on vacations and travel the world. We tried to go visit my mother in law out of state last month and it just didn't work out. Even though my husband worked his buns off for 2 weeks it still wasn't enough we had to break the news to her and sadly to our children that we couldn't go. They were devastated. Why is it so easy for others and so hard for us? It took me 2 weeks to get over that. To get over that anger. And it is still in the back of my mind as I try to move forward.

On the special needs aspect, if we had the money I would be able to do a lot more for my son. I always wonder if what I'm doing is enough. I get so stressed about what he will be like when he is older, what will happen to him etc. that I can't sleep sometimes and get filled with anxiety. Then other times when he is smiling and happy, when he is in his element I feel joy.

Monday, June 11, 2012

Chapter 1 in Hope for the Weary Mom, When Gentle Words Won't Come. I find myself in this predicament alot. The older I get the less patient I get. I tend to sound harsh without meaning to. Especially to my family. Sometimes I just want to finish what I am doing without being interrupted. I want to process a thought without someone whining or wanting something. I don't want to have to keep repeating myself over and over and them "still" not getting it. I would really love if they can just "SEE" that I'm busy and not interrupt at all. I've said "I will help you when I am finished." SOOO many times I can't even count them anymore. So they should already know this. In my dreams!! Now it's your turn.

Be honest about the state of your heart and life right now. Are you dissapointed with the hand you've been dealt? Share some of your story.    

If you have any other questions about special needs homeschooling you may ask those as well. Would love to hear your story.               

Sunday, June 10, 2012

7 Days of Hope

Are you a mom? Do you feel that sometimes you just can't go on? Are you weary? Then please join me for "7 Days of Hope" June 12- June 18. Brooke McGlothlin from The MOB Society (mothers of boys) and Stacey Thacker from The MOD Squad (mothers of daughters) came together and wrote a fabulous e-book Hope For The Weary Mom Where God Finds You In Your Mess. And now are forming a wonderful group of ladies to bring hope to us mom's. I will be leading the special needs homeschooling group so please leave a comment below to let me know you are interested in joining.  

Monday, June 4, 2012

My weekend

We had a great weekend, went to an art show and to Karate Fun For A Cause. The art show was fun. I actually never been to one before but went to support a good friend of mine who was the featured artist there. Then the next day went to Karate Fun For A Cause. The kids got to learn some karate and I got to meet some new friends. I couldn't get my son out of the bounce house though and he had a hard time understanding it was time to go. They literally were closing, that's how long he was in there, lol. I guess you can say it was a "BIG" hit. I was actually supposed to be at my sister in laws wedding shower tin Oregon hat day but due to circumstances beyond my control it just didn't work out. I was really upset about it too but after seeing how much fun my kids were having I realized thet that was where I needed to be.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Mothers Day... in closing.

First of all I hope that you all had a fabulous mother's day. Mine started out the same as every morning, kids waking up before me and me not wanting to get up just yet. If I had it my way I'd sleep until 10 everyday. LOL!! But in real life that isn't possible. Lately I haven't been sleeping well. My darling daughter has been wanting to come in my bed at night. That's fine if she would sleep but she wants to talk. OH BOY!! The first time she did this a few weeks ago was a real bonding experience. We cuddled, talked and giggled (yes at 3 am) I really enjoyed that time because I realized later that it was probably the first time in years that it was just her and I, no interruption's. But now she wants to do it every night. Guess we had too much fun. OOPS!! When you have more than one child it is hard to give your 100 percent. Add a husband to the mix, you stretch yourself thin. You cook, do laundry, clean, bathe the children etc. it would be nice to get a break. Anxiety sets in. I have had my share of that. I thought it was gone but a couple of months ago it creeped back into my life. I want it to leave!! But there are some verses that comfort me.

"Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that in due time he may exhalt you. Cast all your anxieties on him, for he cares about you." 1 Peter Chapter 5:6-7

I encourage anyone who has had a problem with anxiety or panic attacks to remember these verses. When your in the midst of it it's hard to, I know. I do it too.  "BREATHE" It really helps. Now let's see when I crawl into bed how long it takes for my darling daughter to climb in too.  

Friday, May 4, 2012

Review of The Good Wife's Guide by Darlene Schacht

A couple of months ago I was asked to do a review of The Good Wife's Guide by Darlene Schacht. Your may also know her as Time-Warp Wife. I must admit that I was a bit hesitant to read it at first. I didn't know what to expect and wondered how far off I'd been in my 14 years of marriage. OOPS!! But you know what? I absolutely loved the book. Beautifully written and full of advice, tips and a little bit of humor. Everything was backed up by scripture and in no way was anything a put down or shaking of a finger. On page 83 she defines what biblical submission really means. I loved the way she wrote how to put bible verses around the house where you do your housework to feel uplifted. There are tips for organization and a housecleaning schedule that are both very helpful. I highly recommend this book.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Now that spring break is over we had to begin school again. I wasn't ready. I really enjoyed the break. My NT daughter actually told me yesterday that she wanted to go to "real school" after I complimented her on her reading. That didn't make me feel too great. And I was actually speechless and didn't know what to say. Later after her bath I asked her what she meant by that and that if she went to "real school" she wouldn't get to see me all day. She then told me "but I will come back" So then I proceeded to say that if she was in school all day she wouldn't get to go ot the store with me and mentioned a few other things she wouldn't get to do. That seemed to do the trick. I also said that maybe she could take a class with other kids sometime and her eyes lit up. So I guees she might want some friends. So we are in the process of setting up a park day or something like that. Funny how kids don't say what they really mean right off the bat.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Don't judge!!!

Well, where do I start? I just can't beleive that after all this time I had to hear a rude comment about my son. It especially hurt because it was from someone close to us. It happend yesterday, out in public, at a restraunt. And it totally shocked me because at the time he wasn't doing anything out of the ordinary. Then again what is ordinary? It was to me because thats what I know. I don't have anything to compare him to. And I don't want to anyway. I decided a long time ago not to let his behavior or actions keep me prisoner and worry about what others thought. If  they didn't like it don't look and if they didn't want to be friendly sobeit. I didn't need them in our life. As long as he wasn't hurting himself or someone else then mind your own bussiness. But it was different this time because the person was someone who was supposed to love him unconditionally. Still contemplating if I wil approach this person or just let it go.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Children are always learning

Do you sometimes wonder "Are they even understanding me?""Are they even listening?" It's one of my struggles to overcome when I'm teaching. It's gets to the point most days that I think I'm speaking to a brick wall. DS is spinning or hopping around not wanting to sit still. DD is interupting me constantly and taking forever to do her worksheet (she wants to color all the pictures to detail) I just want to be done. Another "one more and then you need to finish" "But I'm not done coloring the......" And "........" Then one day it hits me. It may not be when you want it but they are learning all the time and sometimes it's when you least expect it. One example was one while I outside with DS he saw some bugs and said "Insects have six legs and spiders have 8 legs." That was something we had gone over at least a month earlier. I thought to myself, So while he was hopping and spinning he heard everything I said. WHOA! And then another time with DD we were in the kitchen and she was talking about dinosuars and named some and said that some ate meat and some ate plants and went on for about 10 minutes about them. Another "she was listening" moment occured in my head. So I wasn't speaking to a brick wall after all. 

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Happy Birthday to my son who inspired this blog. I love you.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Boy, what a week it has been so far. I am so ready for the weekend. Are you? I had a couple of weeks that the kids actually behaved but this week, yikes. Always when I don't expect it. When children behave I tend to relax a bit on my discipline etc. I'm sure most do. Then one morning it all changes again and you turn into G.I.Jane. Not a fun place to be at all. Lots of prayer always helps. I pull out the character training workbook again and we have a talk. I sometimes forget to do that though at first because I am taken aback when the misbehavior occurs. It is so easy to just yell and scream at them. Lots of prayer, lots.

Monday, January 30, 2012

It's been awhile since my last post. I'm new to this blogging thing and getting my feet wet. It's all pretty new to me. How is the new year treating you so far? Drop me a note. Or two. Or three. I also have a page on Facebook to like under the same name as my blog. Come join me!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Hello fellow homeschoolers!!

Happy New Year to all of you. I hope your holidays were fabulous. Me, Im happy to finally get back to normal. Well, our normal routine I should say.  (whatever that may be) Just trying to get back to school stuff after a long break. Husband back to work finally. Pray things will pick up. How is your child doing now that the whirlwind of the holidays is over and its time to get back to reality? We had a smooth transition. (thank the lord) But I also think that its because of this beautiful weather we have been having here in So Cal. Lots of outside time and it feels like spring even though its January. But thats why we love it here. May the lord bless you today and always.