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Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Treasury of Bible Stories by Kelly Pulley Review

I was asked to review this book and received it free of charge in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.  

I was very excited when I found out I was chosen to review Kelly Pulleys Magnificent Tales Tresury of Bible Stories. Published by David C Cook. You may also recognize Kelly from The Beginners Bible of which he also illustrated. 

When I received the book I was surprised by how thick it was. I was very pleased with its appearance. My family and I began browsing through it right away.  My children really liked the pictures and were very curious. We started reading it immediately. I wasn't used to rhyming where reading the bible was concerned but my children liked it. I was glad that this book covered most of the bible stories all the way to Jesus and his resurrection. But it left out creation.  Other than that I was pleased with it and would definitely recommend this book to others. 

You can get yours here at www.davidccook.com