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Monday, November 4, 2013

See The Light Review

See The Light Drawing Children To Him Art Projects with Pat Knepley is a DVD based art instruction. I received mine free of charge in return I was to write and honest review. Here is our take on the program.  

When I became aware that I was chosen to review this product I was excited. My daughter loves to draw and I thought it would be great for her to learn how to use oil pastels. We have never tried them before. I thought oil (like the paint) would be messy for a child to use but I was mistaken. They were just like crayons for the most part. The DVD we got to review was Sunflowers by Vincent Van Gogh. It said ages 10+. My daughter is 7 so I was a bit concerned that it would be too difficult for her to do. We watched the DVD in parts. It had for parts approximately 25 minutes long. You are to do the segment along with the DVD.

What I thought: I enjoyed watching the DVD. Pat is very good at explaining all the techniques. Her voice was not irritating. And she tells you its ok when you make a mistake and what to do to correct it.

What my kids thought: She liked the drawing part but it was hard to keep her attention during the DVD. I think it was a bit too long for her. Other than that she enjoyed doing the project and had minimal tears.

All in all I think it is a great program I would definately try the other DVDs in the future if given the chance. You can order yours here: www.SeeTheLightShine.com

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

September?? Already!!!!!

I can't believe that it is already September. Is this year going by fast or what? Some of you have started school and some (like me) haven't. Just keeping it real folks. The move we had to do unexpectedly a few months ago has really taken a toll on me and my family. I just can't seem to get it together. But I will eventually with God's help. Prayers appreciated.

Here is my latest article I wrote for A Moment With M.O.M.

http://amomentwithmom.com/homeschooling/homeschooling-approach-unschooling/   I hope you find it helpful in your homeschooling journey.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

The Old Schoolhouse Expo

It's coming!! And you don't even need to leave your house. Enter to win your free ticket here!!           

<a id="rc-20e84910" class="rafl" href="http://www.rafflecopter.com/rafl/display/20e84910/" rel="nofollow">a Rafflecopter giveaway</a>
<script src="//d12vno17mo87cx.cloudfront.net/embed/rafl/cptr.js"></script>       

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Overcoming my fear

Most who know me are aware of my bout with anxiety. It comes and goes when it pleases and I really love it when it is gone. But some days it comes back like a vengeance with absolutely no warning. Those days I am bound to my bed, my room with the door shut and normal everyday things become very difficult to bear. Sometimes I can't even leave the house. I don't want to talk to anyone nor be talked to and it spirals from there. This past year has been very challenging for us. Finances, unexpected move to name some. I don't take any meds for it. After awhile it seems to me that it's a mindset too. I often don't do things in anticipation of having an anxiety attack. I'll make excuses to myself. One of my biggest problems is driving. I really dislike driving on freeways, especially here in Southern California.

Last January I was put to the test. My husband forgot something he needed for work and he was almost an hour away from home. So your's truly, with the kids in tow went on a trek through downtown L.A, Hollywood, Universal City and 3 freeways to take it to him. I wasn't crippled with fear. All I did was pray and said"Lord take the wheel" and you know what? He did!! I didn't even get lost once. Since then I have gotten a lot better with driving. Sure I have my days just like everyone else but its such an improvement compared to before.

Then just a few weeks ago there was a family get together four hours away. We were all planning to go but something came up and my husband was going to have to work. It was important for us to be there so I said to myself "why don't I just drive there myself with the kids?" this is something I have never done in my entire life. So with my husbands blessing me and the kids headed out on our journey through LA,over the mountains and through the valley to my brothers house. And we survived!!! I overcame my fear and survived!!

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Classical Composers Monthly Review

First Classical Composers Monthly gave you a window to classical music at your fingertips. Now they have added Fine Art Pages to give you more to enrich your learning experience. A collection of 25 pages that feature a famous painting, information and the artist.
This is Starry-night by Vincent van Gogh
You can just print them out and hang them around the house. Oh, the possibilities!!!! This van Gogh was our favorite. And right now they are on sale for $9.95 for a limited time. www.classicalcomposersmonthly.com
And it is great for all ages. Just elaborate as needed.
I was given this product free of charge in exchange for an honest review.  

Monday, June 17, 2013

How Do We Know God Is Really There by Melissa Cain Travis Review

Apologia is known for their science curriculum and run an educational ministry. I was sent How Do We Know God Is Really There at no cost and asked to give an honest review in return.

The story is written in a conversation format between father and son as he explains the question "How do we know God is really there?" to his son Thomas. This book is mainly for younger children. My daughter loves anything about space so she really liked it. I loved the colorful pictures as well. 
 The illustrations were by Christopher Voss and I think he did a wonderful job. The pictures were so colorful and inviting. We really enjoyed them.
You can get your copy at www.apologia.com cost is $16.00

Monday, June 10, 2013

My friend Tabitha over at Meet Penny has a new e-book out. Easy Oven-Free Dinners. Just in time for summer!! It's on sale now through Sunday for only $1.99.


Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Waterproof Bible Bardin&Marsee Publishing

I have to admit, I was really excited when I found out I was going to be able to review the waterproof bible. I have heard about it but wasn't sure what to expect. When my package arrived I opened it quickly. Although it was a bit smaller than what I had envisioned I was quite impressed. The pages were thicker and you couldn't see the print from the other side of the page like in other bibles. It was easy on the eyes too. I got blue but it comes in pink, and green leaf(camo) also. You can specify which color and which version of the bible you prefer. Full version is $44.95 and New Testament with Psalms and Proverbs for $24.95.

This is the New Testment, Psalms and Proverbs KJV version in Blue wave.
 Heres the inside. Very clear text and easy on the eyes.
Now to put it to the test. I was kind of afraid to try to wet a book let alone the bible. But I had to see if it really sood up to what they claimed. So here it went. I put it under the faucet and to my amazement the water just beaded right off.
And after I set it down on its spine to dry I was able to go through it as nothing happened. Really cool!! And you can also write in it. Ball point pen and dry highlighters work the best.
Would I recommend this product? The answer is a definate YES!!

Friday, March 29, 2013

We Choose Virtues Review+Coupon Codes

I heard about We Choose Virtues from another blogging friend. It really got my interest. I am always trying to find ways to teach my children character. I needed something that would capture their attention. Not just me reading to them. They needed more than that. So when I found out I was going to be able to review We Choose Virtues I was very excited.

I got a set of Virtue flashcards, a sample parenting card, family character assessment download, teacher handbook pdf, coloring pages, and a butterfly award your child receives when he or she completes all the virtues.

After doing the assessment I decided we needed to start with being obedient first. The flash cards are designed so nice with cute pictures and catchy sayings to capture their attention. Other virtues included were, Kind, Helpful, Honest, Patient, Self-Controlled, Forgiving, Content, Attentive, Diligent, Perserverant and Gentle. You can get these in KJV, NIV or secular versions.

The front

The back 

And each character has a name. Obedient has Oboe Joe. So that is another way kids can remember the virtue. I didn't get a chance to print out the coloring pages yet because our printer isn't working at the moment. But we still have a ways to go on completing all the virtues so hopefully we can get a new printer soon. I know my daughter would love them.
To see all they have to offer visit www.wechoosevirtues.com And I have a surprise for you. My readers get a coupon!! Just enter VIRTUE15 for 15% off your entire order. This is a forever code which means it does not expire. Another one is HOME20 for 20% off the Homeschool Kit only. These cannot be combined. Hope you will be blessed!!!


Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Hello all,

I just wanted to let you know about and amazing deal going on right now!! Simplified Pantry is having a sale!! March 6,7 and 8 you can get 30% off all e books. Just enter the code spring. Click on the button in my sidebar to take you directly to the page.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Confessions of A Homeschooler Blog Planner Review

Now that I am a part of the Mosaics Review Team we recently had a choice of blog planners to use as our practice review. These were free and I had more than a few to choose from. I picked Confessions of a Homeschoolers Blog Planner. It was created by Erica. I am not usually one to use planners (I am a "spur of the moment" kind of gal) but this planner was really pretty.

                                                                                                                                                           Each month is a different color and at the end of each month there is a place for post ideas and Giveaway/Review information. It is available in two different forms. You can choose which one you prefer. I chose this one. And though I don't usually use planners I think this one was great. It was simple to use and only about 30 pages.

Erica also has many other printables to choose from. Just go to here site www.confessionsofahomeschooler.com

Thursday, February 14, 2013

God's Word In My Heart Review

Thank you for joining me here today. I hope you all had a wonderful Valentines Day.

I recently had the opportunity to review God's Word In My Heart, a scripture memory guide with memory verses by Jenn Thorson of The Purposeful Mom. I have used various methods to try and teach my children and also myself scripture. It is difficult for me to memorize things sometimes and challenging for my children as well. This book is different. Not only does it have verses to memorize but there are sing alongs to go with the verses too. There are also links to other activties to do along with the verses. Thats already three things to help your kids remember them. It doesn't stop there. There is lots more.

Fun for all ages from babies to high school Jenn gives plenty of ideas on how to teach these verses to your children. Parents benefit as well. You can use it as a family for your daily devotions.

My daughter loves to color and draw so she especially enjoyed the coloring pages link. Very good selection and didn't cost anything. You just lick on the link, click what you choose and you can print them out. So easy. I hope this book will bless you as well.

You can get yours today by clicking on the button on the right in the sidebar.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Now that the 100th day of school has come and gone how is it going? Are you happy with your curriculum? Do you want to ditch it and try something else? Tweek it a bit? There is no "perfect" curriculum out there. That is what is so wondeful about homeschooling. You can fit it to how your child learns best and at his or her own pace. Sometimes you will find that your child will be in different levels in various subjects and thats ok. Most important is to find out what kind of learner he or she is. Then build from that. My son is a visual, auditory and kinthesic learner. So he learns by watching, hearing and touching. Hands on activites are a must. Learning CDs/cassetts are another thing that helps him learn. With my daughter I am still trying to figure out how she learns best. She loves to draw so lots of that is going on in between lessons. Here are a few books and websites that have helped me.

The Ultimate Guide to Homeschooling by Debra Bell

Kidzmet www.kidzmet.com

How to Homeschool the Challenging Child by Christine Fields

These were a Godsend. I hope they will help you as well.

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Trophy Child Review

So... How has your year started out? Did you make any New Years Resolutions? Set any specific goals for you or your family? Our household has been in some sort of roller coaster since last September. Just when it seems to calm down the ride starts again. I like roller coasters but not the kind that life throws at you when you least expect it.

A couple of months ago I had the opportunity to read Trophy Child by Ted Cunningham. Also known as The Anti-Tiger Mom Book. Is your home child-centered? Do you do things for your kids so it doesn't make you look bad? Another word for this is vanity parenting. Our culture is obsessed with performance and that can lead to having expectations from our kids based on the world's standards. Not what God intended them to be.

"Trophy Child will help you create a home where your children find success in following their heavenly Father-and you know the joy of seeing your children embrace their full potential as children of God."

Ted speaks truth to parents of this era. The time is now to take children off of the pedestal and prepare them for bigger things than themselves. This book contains 9 chapters and it's a great book. You can get your copy here.

Trophy Child: Saving Parents from Performance, Preparing Children for Something Greater Than Themselves [Bargain Price] [Paperback]

Ted Cunningham

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

One year!!

Well, this week marks one year since I started the blog. Wow!! I can't believe that much time has passed. I started this blog to be of help to those who are homeschooling challenging children and to be an encouragement to you. I hope I have done that. I have a lot of things in store for the next months. I am beginning to do reviews of books, products and having giveaways. I am also doing some guest posts. My first one of 2013 will be next Friday on the Hope For The Weary Mom Book Club. I hope you will be joining me. I will post the link soon. Bye for now!!

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Happy New Year!! Top 10 Posts from 2012

Happy New Year!!! Wishing you all a blessed year! Thank you for sticking around. I have a lot planned in the coming months. Stay tuned!!

It was fun looking back to see what posts were the most popular with my readers.

#10 Outcry from my Heart- This was a hard post to write.
#9 Schooling Year Round- how we decided to homeschool.
#8 Hope for the Weary Mom Revised Edition Review and Giveaway- I was really surprised this made the cut. No one entered the giveaway.
#7 Don't Judge- About an incident that happened when I was out in public with my family.
#6 Chapter 2 When You Don't Measure Up- this was part of the 7 Days Of Hope series.
#5 Chapter 3 Beer and Cigarettes?- another part of the 7 Days of Hope series.
#4 Now That Spring Break Is Over- a post about trying to get back in the swing of things.
#3 Chapter 1 Hope For The Weary Mom- The first part of the 7 Days of Hope series.
#2 Simplified Dinners Review and Giveaway- I really enjoyed making these recipes and sharing them with you.
#1 7 Days of Hope

Wow!! I was really amazed so many of you were touched by the Hope For The Weary Mom series. I really had no idea. So glad you were blessed by it. Stay tuned!! The Book club starts Monday. I will be guest posting there sometime this month. And I will also be guest posting on two other blogs as well. hope you will join me there.